New: Licenses, and Post Series
Happy Thursday everyone.
I didn’t send out a What’s New post last week, but instead just sent the new post about the Power BI Licenses you need to share reports in your organization, and I want to highlight it again for you here again as it distills a lot of information in an easy way AND all this information is a total mess if you try to learn it on Microsoft’s website.
A colleague and friend emailed me after I sent out the post last week thanking me for it, as she tried to decipher all the info from Microsoft’s resources and gave up after 10 minutes.
So, here it is… all the Licensing secrets Microsoft makes confusing, in one easy post (I even made a table that breaks down what different Licenses can do and how much they cost).
Post Series and Tags:
Have you checked out a Post Series yet? As I add posts about a certain subject, I add them to a Post Series to help organize the posts for you so you can find them easily.
A great example is the Bar Chart Post Series.
It includes:
How to make a Bar Chart
How to format a Bar Chart
Add a Benchmark Line to a Bar Chart
Label Spacing Fail (and Fix!) on Bar Charts
There’s also a Tags page which organizes posts by keyword.
For instance, if you wanted to see what posts are about Formatting, you’d look at the Formatting tag and see all the posts about formatting (currently there are 7).
Next on People-Friendly Power BI:
The next post on my monthly newsletter about making Power BI more user-friendly is about AI. Specifically, if it’s possible to learn how to use Power BI from AI.
I gave ChatGPT (I paid for the most recent and most powerful version to see the full capabilities) and Google Gemini a try and the results are… disappointing. :(
Subscribe here (if you aren’t already) to get the post in your email.
Take care, everyone.
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